Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane...don't know when I'll be back, really!

So, I'm taking a moment to write. Mostly I'm taking this moment because I need to slow down a little and take in the amazing blessings that I've been showered with over these last three weeks. Yeah, just three weeks!

1. I landed my "dream" job.

2. I got a passport in 1 business day.

3. I have received the most generous donations, and am able to see the proof that what you sow, you also reap. Emotionally. Mentally. Spiritually. Tangibly, too. I mean, who offers to give away luggage? I had three or fours offers!

4. I am more emotionally connected to myself. (This might seem trivial to some, but for me, it's a huge blessing to know myself, and to know myself known.)

5. My passport came back with a visa for 90 days! (and not the day before, or the actual day that, I leave!)

6. I have storage in the basement of my current apartment, which makes "moving" so much easier! Thank you Robin!

7. I was able to leave my job well. Sad for my co-workers who will freeze in the summer and swelter in the winter! How backwards!

8. I listened to my mom talk (online) about love and family. Redemptive moments in history...not just personally, but globally too!

So, if you're reading this, thank you. I'm sure in some way, you've touched my life and I'm grateful for that. If you are one of the Professors I worked for at BU, thank you for showing me that gratitude for the smallest thing is necessary and truly honoring. If you are a friend I haven't seen in a while, it's likely that our relationship has shaped me in ways that drew me closer to God and my understanding of myself. If you are my mother (heh. you better be reading this!), thank you for the foundation you laid in my life; for the ways you proved that life could be hard and still good; for the ways that you gave me life, in many ways; for the love that you proved...never-ending, all-encompassing, from the bottom of your heart, even when it hurt.

I look forward to sharing my journey with you all!

1 comment:

  1. So it's Saturday, and I finally found your blog, and of course I cried when I read the mother'll have the chance to pour yourself into many lives there, and abroad, and you'll understand the heart of a mother like you've not yet, and you will know the blessing of being in the center of your Father's heart for your life. I'm telling you not to let there be ANY limits on your will see and enter into a realm of the glory of God like you've never seen or heard or known..let your heart be open to Him..listen intently,watch closely, learn from His heart. You will know how to bless others in compassion and love, and to bring a fresh presence of God to where you are. Run after Him with everything that is in you. Lay down your life before Him, and when you get up, you will be different,forever changed, and still seeking His heart. He will use your hands to be His hands, and your heart to be His heart, and your words to be His words. Bring your heart to Him in worship, and watch the flow of the river of God begin to flow out from you to others to help them know Him. You are a daughter of the King, and that will become more and more evident in this time of your life. A scepter of grace and mercy has been extended to you, and you will use it to bring others into an intimacy and closeness with Jesus. Rejoice in Him, let the joy of the Lord be your STRENGTH! Say hello to heidi for me ,I love you. Mom
