Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Pain in the Neck, I Mean, Arm...

So, Thursday I went to the Travel Clinic! Praise God for really good insurance because I had to get a few vaccinations in preparation for my trip.

Okay, so "a few" now means "SEVEN"!!!!! I'm totally thrilled that we have access to great medical care here in the U.S., but it did prompt me to start thinking about what things I take for granted. Like doctor's offices...despite some ridiculous wait times and the urge to sneeze, not into the crook of my arm, just to make things a little less sterile, we really are superbly blessed to have knowledgeable staff available to us. And know, we run to the pharmacy and they can likely give us what we need, or they can get it in a relatively immediate time frame.

So what else do you take for granted? Think about it...fill in the blanks: "I would find it hard to function if, for one week, I didn't use __________, eat __________, or have access to __________." Really? Now really think about it...what would life be like? Is it possible that life is just more complicated by our constant need to be "connected" via iPhone, internet, cell phone? Is is possible to thrive on less? What does simplicity look like for you?

Happy Sunday!

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