Thursday, February 10, 2011

Long Time, No See!

Okay,'s been a long while since I actually logged in and decided that blogging was worth it. But here goes a new start on an old task...

Friends of mine write down little things and include a photo (if they have one, which they almost always do!) of what things have happened in that week. So I thought maybe thisapproach would work for me. But now, I have tons of stuff to update for you all...

Since I last posted here:I went on a South African safari in October! And I got to see some of themost amazing animals. Black rhinos, giraffes, wildebeasts, hippos, elephants...just to name a few!

Skip forward a few months...though it was definitely NOT uneventful....on to new year's eve during the day, I felt like taking my girls to the beach and just hanging out with them. Below are a couple of photos, though not all my girls are there! Five were on ferias (which is holiday, not to be confused with festas, which are parties!!!), and all returned at some point in January.


Lastly, just for updating's purpose, I am including a few shots of some magnificent sunsets. And let me tell you, these pictures really do it no justice. These were the kinds of things that make you cry because they are so beautiful...things that remind you that God created beauty and created us to enjoy it! Oh, how He loves us and knows each one of us!

I will try to write more often, to keep you all in the loop of what I am up to here in Africa! It's an amazing continent, the people are sweet and generous and kind, and I am thankful for this opportunity to live my dream!

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